• Energy as clean as the wind

    Clean, Safe, Renewable

    At Tercum Energy, we're revolutionizing the way we view waste. We harness the untapped potential of agricultural waste to produce biogas - a renewable energy source that powers our homes, businesses, and even our transportation. Join us on our mission to create a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world.

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  • Energy as clean as the wind

    Clean, Safe, Renewable

    Nulla eget ipsum id est accumsan pellentesque nec et odio. Duis sit amet convallis sem, tincidunt feugiat lorem. Nunc porttitor arcu ac dui aliquam efficitur.

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  • Energy as clean as the wind

    Clean, Safe, Renewable

    Nulla eget ipsum id est accumsan pellentesque nec et odio. Duis sit amet convallis sem, tincidunt feugiat lorem. Nunc porttitor arcu ac dui aliquam efficitur.

    Discover Now
  • Energy as clean as the wind

    Clean, Safe, Renewable

    Nulla eget ipsum id est accumsan pellentesque nec et odio. Duis sit amet convallis sem, tincidunt feugiat lorem. Nunc porttitor arcu ac dui aliquam efficitur.

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What we offer

Turning Waste into Wealth

Providing comprehensive biogas solutions for a greener tomorrow.

Solar System

Mauris interdum mauris eget magna scelerisque pretium. Praesent sit amet ultricies tellus, vel tempor ante.

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Wind Turbines

Cras eget turpis fermentum, pulvinar justo in, sollicitudin risus. Suspendisse vehicula preti semper. Aenean convallis eu neque.

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Heat Pumps

Morbi sit amet est vitae urna mollis posuere. Proin tincidunt, libero nec porta aliquet, lacus quam pulvinar ex.

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we do awesome works, some of our project here.

Nulla sed ligula ut ipsum elementum gravida. Pellentesque nec imperdiet felis. Fusce sodales quam eget lorem volutpat, ornare luctus est dictum. Nam varius pretium condimentum. Duis consequat, lectus ac aliquam elementum, purus odio.

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Why choose us

Your Partner in Sustainable Energy

Our services stretch from the farm to the flame. We collect agricultural waste, predominantly pig waste, and process it at our state-of-the-art biogas facilities.

The resulting biogas can be used for heating, electricity generation, and as a fuel for vehicles. But our services don't stop there - we also provide support for the implementation and maintenance of biogas infrastructure. Let's transform waste into a resource, together.

Newest Technologies

We continually push the boundaries of what's possible, utilizing cutting-edge technology to maximize the production and utilization of biogas.

Local Impact

We are proud to contribute to local economies, creating jobs and fostering sustainable development.

Power and Energy

Mauris eu egestas nunc. Nam pellen, libe sit amet imperdiet sodales.


Our process diverts waste from landfills, reduces harmful emissions, and produces renewable energy. We're committed to creating a sustainable, low-carbon future

From idea to realization

Services we provide

At our state-of-the-art biogas facilities, we utilize natural processes to convert agricultural waste into biogas. It's a sophisticated process, but the concept is simple: turning waste into wealth.

We're Here for You

Our Contacts

Whether you're interested in our services, want to learn more about biogas, or have any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you. Our team is committed to providing you with the information and support you need. Reach out today and let's start the conversation about a greener, more sustainable future.

Head office

Florida, FL, USA

Call us

Support: 0800 123 4567
Office: 0800 123 4566

Best in Energy

Contact Form

Creating a Sustainable Future through Biogas Production. Our mission is to turn waste into wealth and contribute to a cleaner, greener world. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

contact us

Orlando, FL USA
0800 123 4567
0800 123 4566

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